0093: Seta, Cueva
La Secada 30T 452790 4797930 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: M) Altitude 166m
Length 85m Depth 10m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 8th November 2003; 30th September 2006; 20th May 2017; 18th June 2022

The cave entrance has been obliterated by bulldozing in the late nineteen seventies. A tight entrance slope led immediately to a 9m pitch. A small streamway ended at a draughting but narrow and sand-choked rift on the left.
In summer 2006, a shakehole possibly in the correct place was investigated. The hole at the base could be dug out but there doesn't appear to be an immediate 9m drop.
The original entrance coordinates are VN52889813 Alt. 168m (ETRS89: 30T 452778 4797921). The survey has the entrance 54m due north of the barn. This possible entrance shakehole is about 15m to the southwest of the summer 2006 position.
The grid reference at the top is one taken from the survey and is in the field.

From Kendal Caving Club and Manchester University Speleological Society, 1975:
The entrance of Cueva Seta is to be found approximately 150 m due north of Carcavueso entrance. It is set in a group of trees and is associated with a small resurgence, sink and narrow canyon. The entrance itself is an unobtrusive slot in the bottom of a small shakehole. The tightish entrance crawl leads immediately onto a 9 m. pitch in a narrow double aven. The way on is a small tube some 1'/2 m. above the occasional streamway. This breaks into a low boulder chamber with a further (drier) inlet to the left. From here the remaining 75 m of passage is fairly constant in character, consisting of crawls over sand and boulders until a narrow sand-choked rift turns sharp left out of the final small chamber and stops further progress. The cave with the exception of the entrance avens is phreatic in origin being a joint enlarged by water collecting along a sandstone bed. The modern drainage using the cave is apparently very small as the cave, when first explored was choked with sand and clay, leaving only a 6 cm. x 6 cm. triangle to transmit an interesting outward draught. There seems a good chance that with more excavation Cueva Seta may join Carcavueso, downstream of the 'terminal' sump.

References: Manchester University Speleological Society, 1982; anon., 1993b (logbook); Kendal Caving Club and Manchester University Speleological Society, 1975 (survey); Corrin J S and Smith P, 1981; anon., 2006d (summer logbook); anon., 2017b (Easter logbook)
Entrance picture : possibly
Underground picture(s):
Detailed Survey : from 1975: low res  high res
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file : Reconstructed from the 1975 survey