0003: Collusa, Cueva (Llusa, Cueva)
Ogarrio 30T 457202 4793822 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 375m
Length 40m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search : A Google search for this site (Collusa, Cueva+Llusa+Ogarrio)

Updated 26th October 2001; 3rd, 15th June , 6th October 2002; 18th January 2004; 18th December 2008; 16th February 2022

   The grid reference (on this website) was finally corrected (above) after 20 years!
   At the beginning of the century, three bronze age swords were found in this small cave. In 1985, fragments of Bronze Age pottery and a flint scraper were found on the right of the entrance.
   Some artifacts found in the cave (documented by AEC Lobetum in anon., 2003a) can be seen in low or high resolution. The pottery found has been compared with that found in site 2139 (Smith P, Corrin J and Ruiz Cobo J, 2008).

References: Manchester University Speleological Society, 1982; Almagro-Gorbea M, 1976 (survey); Corrin J S and Smith P, 1981; Munoz Fernandez E et al, 1987; anon., 1993a (survey); Serna Gancedo A and Malpelo García B, 1993 (survey); Ruiz Cobo Jesús and Smith Peter et al, 2001; pers comm (emails 21/5/02 & 10/6/02); Smith P, Corrin J and Ruiz Cobo J, 2008; anon., 2022a (January, February logbook)
Entrance picture : yes
Underground picture(s): yes
Detailed Survey : from anon., 1993a (AEC Lobetum): high res  low res
Line Survey :
On area survey :
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