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Wind Farms Links 2021

Links to sections and pages about the wind farms and threats / risks. At 21/3/2021 there are possibly 4 wind farms with a total of 48 generators that pose threats to the caves within the Matienzo Caves Project's current and previous permit areas - Garma Blanca (13); La Rasa (9+7?); Mullir (15) and Las Quebraduras (4). There are also, of course, 40m high pylons and cables along with tens of kilometres of access roads which also threaten the area.
This section will be updated when more information emerges.

Overview pages Possible wind farms, 2009 MCP web site page
Taken from ARCA pages 21/3/2021 Original zip file (277Mb) containing pdfs and jpgs of planned works (except Las Quebraduras)
• Hi-res jpgs: Positions; Natural Spaces; Protected areas; Visibility; Noise
Carolina Smith research 26/2/2021 MCP web site page
Individual wind farms that threaten caves, water supplies and the karst landscape within and around the Matienzo Caves Project permit areas, past and present. Las Quebraduras - updated June 2021 MCP web site page - original
Published plans and MCP response *
   (* Password protected)
Garma Blanca - updated March 2021 • See Hi-res jpgs above
Published plans and MCP response.
La Rasa See Hi-res jpgs above : (separate page to come)
Mullir See Hi-res jpgs above : (separate page to come)