Digital photos in the drain site, Cueva de Vaca-Cud, #5334 by Alex Ritchie and Patrick Warren with
Paul Fairman and Olly Brain. April 2023.

View into the start of the natural passage.
View into the start of the natural passage.
Walking height passage beyond, down a slope.
View into the start of the natural passage, gloves for scale.
The manmade drain part of the cave.
Paul's feet in drain part of the entrance.
Paul in the cave section.
Paul in the final chamber.
Looking out of the final chamber into the drain.
Olly surveying.
Olly surveying.
Surveying: Alex and Olly.
Surveying: Alex and Olly.
Surveying: Paul and Alex.
Surveying: Paul and Alex.
Surveying: Paul and Alex.
The end with a possible dig.