Digital photos in the middle entrance
at one of the OBA detector exchanges, Easter 2006.
A1, A2 by Penny Corrin; A3-E1 by Phil Papard;
E2 by Juan Corrin.
with Juan Corrin & Ian Chandler, e.g. D3;
Phil Papard, Terry Whitaker & Lank Mills, e.g. A1.




A 0713-pc-02.jpg 0713-pc-03.jpg 0713-pp-2006-02.jpg
B 0713-pp-2006-03.jpg 0713-pp-2006-05.jpg 0713-pp-2006-11.jpg
C 0713-pp-2006-12.jpg 0713-pp-2006-14.jpg 0713-pp-2006-15.jpg
D 0713-pp-2006-16.jpg 0713-pp-2006-17.jpg 0713-pp-2006-18.jpg
E 0713-pp-2006-19.jpg 0713-jc-2006-01.jpg