The depression holding the entrance to Cueva Llueva and sites 3354 and 3667 has been used as a dump for tyres. The faces of the protruding beds also appear to have been coated in limestone dust, probably from road improvement activities.
1: Penny Corrin under the entrance to Cueva Llueva with site 3667 to the near left and 3354 further away.
2, 3, 4:
The entrance depression viewed from the entrance to Cueva Llueva. Penny Corrin with tyres
5: Penny Corrin on the slope down in the Cueva Llueva depression.
6: A panorama of the Cueva Llueva depression. (photos: Juan Corrin)
7: Juan Corrin in the entrance to Cueva Llueva. (photo: Penny Corrin)